Company profile

Company KVANT spol. s r.o. was established in 1995. During its existence has achieved significant success in the development and production of its products as well as in the distribution of technical devices to different areas of science, research, industry, and education. The company has carried several awards at various foreign exhibitions and exports the majority of its production to more than 50 countries all around the world.

Kvant's department forschool is developing, manufacturing, supplying & servicing high quality and pedagogic valued didactic aids and equipment mainly for physics, optics and technical disciplines at all levels of schools and other educational institutes. 

Science experience centers and parks

The public interest in science and technology has grown up during recent years. The target group is mainly young people who are about to decide on their future professions. Department forschool, thanks to its experience in the disciplines of natural sciences and teaching techniques develops, manufactures and supply various models and exhibits according to this and customer requirements as well. Interactive demonstrations of physical and technical phenomena are often requested in many scientific and technical museums or parks. It allows a better understanding of presented principles amusingly and entertainingly.

Realized projects

AURELIUM - Experience Science Centre (Bratislava, Slovakia)

VTC - Vedecko-technické centrum at Slovak technical museum (Kosice, Slovakia)

MatematikUM - part of the science center iQlandia (Liberec, Czech Republic)

MOTIO - Science and Technology Experience Center (Žilina, Slovakia)

Science models and exhibits

We are engaging with the development, production, installation, and service of scientific and interactive models for science parks and experience centers as well. We offer exhibits in the ambit of mathematics, geometrics, biology, chemistry, practical physics, optics, mechanics, electro-technics, microscopy, nature and ecology, renewable energy, laser technologies, optical illusions, brainteasers, and many others. 

Inspired by the newest technologies from world-known scientists, inventors or explorers, and implement them into our models. We have long-term experiences and praxis with laser technology as one of the first companies in Slovakia as well. That's why we apply this piece of knowledge into our exhibits directly and therefore are so unique. 

Our products are funny, educational, aesthetic, safe and durable. We are trying to use eco-friendly materials as well. Materials, design or size can be adapted to customers' requirements. We also offer complete solutions for the designated field or supply individual models based on customers' choices. We provide mobile interactive exhibits for rent too. They are suitable mainly for clubbable events, exhibitions, workshops, etc.

We can offer attractive prices and delivery time. For more information or references, do not hesitate to contact us!